Sep 26, 2013


Brunch is my favorite meal. It is at the perfect time of day, and blends the best of both worlds. The other day I whipped up a quick and easy meal for Blayre and his sister who was visiting. Here are the details- I kept things as simple as possible, and served family style so everyone can serve themselves- Enjoy!

- Eggs, I served sunny side up. Serve any style egg
- Bacon
- Slices avocado & tomato, drizzled in lime for extra kick
- Cilantro, to add some flare to the eggs and veggies
- Puff Pastry- add cheese, bacon, or dark chocolate to go the extra mile
- Jam & Honey for tea, and pastry
- Store bought hash browns, serve extra crispy and toss with fresh chives
- OJ- add champs for good measure ;)
- Use favorite serve-ware... I mean, why not?

Always Stay Graceful,


1 comment:

Thanks so much for all of the lovely comments!
Always Stay Graceful,
L. xoxo